✨Baby Essentials - Cute Flower Bibs
Super cute bibs to sew for your upcoming little baby! 💕This is the perfect template, perfect for a birthday gift or to prepare for your baby's arrival.
🌸Flower baby bibs are the perfect addition to make any baby outfit look pretty, and they're perfect for drooling babies and teething babies.
🎁Need to make a baby gift quickly? Make these bibs with all the fabric scraps from previous DIY projects.
🥰The Flower Baby Bib Sewing Pattern features seven scalloped laces, the sewing pattern is super cute, even for beginners detailed instructions to ensure your scalloped bibs turn out great quality.
🌳Zero Waste Tip: Only use your template and a few fabric scraps. Only a small amount of fabric is required for this project.
This baby bib is perfect for newborns and can be worn up to 36 months.
Sizes: 0-6 months
6-18 months
18-36 months
Recommended all sizes - cover your baby's daily
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